Copper OS

A operating system for computercraft and what goes with it.

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CopperUtility is a collection of utility functions for various Copper OS libraries.



first The index of the first element in the list
last The index of the last element in the list

Creates a new list

Adds a value to the beginning of the list

Adds a value to the end of the list

Removes and returns the first value of the list

Removes and returns the last value of the list


Splits a string into a table of strings based on a separator.

-- String Splitting Example
local utility = require "CopperUtility"

utility.splitString("string, seperated, by, seperators", ", ")
-->> {"string", "seperated", "by", "seperators"}

Split a string into chunks of a given size.

-- Split by Chunk Example
local utility = require "CopperUtility"

utility.splitByChunk("Hello, World!", 3)
-->> {"Hel", "lo,", " Wo", "rld", "!"}

Removes whitespaces from the start and end of a string

-- String Trimming Example
local utility = require "CopperUtility"

utility.trimString("   string with spaces   ")
-->> "string with spaces"

Concatenates two tables. The first table is modified.

-- Table Concatenation Example
local utility = require "CopperUtility"

local t1 = {"a", "b", "c"}
local t2 = {"d", "e", "f"}

utility.concatTables(t1, t2)
-->> {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"}