Copper OS

A operating system for computercraft and what goes with it.

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CNet (Copper Networking)

CNet is the networking library of Copper OS.

Server Hosting

CNet = require "CNet"

-- Receiving messages is possible by overriding the message event handler
CNet.eventHandlers.message = function (message, socket, server)
    print("Received message: " .. message)
    CNet.send(socket, "Response message")
    CNet.send(socket, {a = 1}) -- Messages can be any lua data type that can be serialized

-- Before hosting or sending messages is possible, CNet must be set up
CNet.setup(function ()"server-name")

Client Handling

CNet = require "CNet"

-- Before connecting or sending messages is possible, CNet must be set up
CNet.setup(function ()
    local socket = CNet.connect("server-name")
    CNet.send(socket, "Hello, server!")
    local response = CNet.listen(socket) -- Blocks until a message is received
    print("Received response: " .. response)

    -- Shorter version of the above code
    local socket2 = CNet.connectAndSend("server2", "Hello, server!")
    local response2 = CNet.listen(socket2)
    print("Received response: " .. response2)

    -- Even shorter version
    local response3 = CNet.connectSendAndListen("server3", "Hello, server!")
    print("Received response: " .. response3)

    -- It's also possible to define a callback function to prevent blocking
    CNet.connectSendAndListen("server4", "Hello, server!", function (response4)
        print("Received response: " .. response4)
    print("This message will be printed before the response is received")