Cttp (Copper Text Transfer Protocol)
Cttp is a extension of CNet
Server Hosting
Cttp = require "Cttp"
-- Requests can be handled by defining Get, Post and Delete mappings
-- The request Cttp.GetRequest("/path", "Request message") will be handled by this function
Cttp.GetMapping("/path", function (body)
print("Received request: " .. body)
return 200, "Response message" -- Status code and response message
-- Messages can be any lua data type that can be serialized
-- Before hosting is possible, Cttp must be set up
Cttp.setup(function ()
Client Handling
Cttp = require "Cttp"
-- Before connecting or sending requests is possible, Cttp must be set up
Cttp.setup(function ()
local socket = Cttp.connect("server-name")
local response = Cttp.sendRequest(socket, Cttp.GetRequest("/path", "Request message"))